Thursday, January 15, 2009

Millett Christmas Party

The annual Millett family Christmas party was a great success this year. There of course was a fast paced, very tense BINGO game. Great food. (Brad said the food was what finally put him into the true Christmas spirit.) Lot's of playing with the cousins, talking with Grandma and Grandpa in the Philippines, and of course the yearly opening of the ornaments from Grandma and Grandpa. Alas there was no time for the playing of the bells which is a much anticipated yearly tradition. This unfortunate incident has scarred Nicholas for life. He cried all the way home and said it just wasn't the same because we didn't play the bells. It will HAVE to be a priority next year so that maybe we can repair some of the damage to Nicholas' little soul. Who knew? Thanks Brianne and Rich for hosting. It was fabulous and a great time was had by all!

Watch out! Serious BINGO players here. Erik had 8 cards going at once.

Canon and Brad hoping for BINGO.

Rich our amazing BINGO caller.

Joann and cute Addie.

Nicholas went for the big sucker of course. You are not shocked are you?!

Maura and Conner with their BINGO loot.

Oh yeah, Brad's favorite part, the Super Nacho's. Feliz Navidad!

My cute husband!

Dawn and her favorite little Punk!

Dawn's other favorite punk Conner displaying our new ornaments. He can produce a 3rd hand upon demand. He's very talented.

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