Monday, September 15, 2008

24th of July

Okay so this is one of those mom guilt moments. I had grandiose plans for the 24th of July. We usually are in Tropic for the 24th and enjoy all the festivities there. It's a great little town celebration and we were sad that we missed it this year. So in the past, (when not in Tropic) we make homemade ice cream and do some other fun events. I however was such a slacker and basically almost forgot that it was even the 24th! Imagine my shame when Conner came to me that afternoon and asked what we were going to do for Pioneer Day. Ugh! What a bad mother! So we quickly prepared a FHE lesson on the pioneers, and since I didn't have much enthusiasm for churning our own ice cream (my arm is still numb, okay?) we did the next best thing! Peach shakes at Artic Circle! Hooray for Artic Circle! Luckily the kids thought that this was a fabulous treat and not a bad substitute for making our own. Then we watched the fireworks that were going on in the whole valley. We have such an awesome view from our back porch, and it made me very grateful for this beautiful place that we live. The kids declared it a fun night and as you can see, Nicholas enjoyed his shake immensely. (Anything sweet is okay with him) So maybe some of the mom guilt has passed...........maybe.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

WOW! I'm impressed that you spontaneously prepared a FHE lesson! That is impressive! Now I'm hungry for an Arctic Circle shake. Mmmmm