Friday, August 8, 2008

Pine Lake

AAAHH, Pine Lake. One of our favorite places to play. We love the sights, sounds and smells of this place. We were able to spend the better part of a week there in July and we had a lot of fun. My mom and dad were here from the Philippines, Christy and Phil came from Boise and the rest of the gang from the Salt Lake Valley were there to complete the Millett crew! It was just the right temperature, and while we did have one crazy downpour, the weather was fantastic. There was an amazingly bright and huge full moon every night and you didn't even need a flashlight. We rode the 4 wheeler's, swam in the lake, and of course made our traditional trek to Powell Point. The kids were thrilled that Uncle Phil was there. He is our mighty hunter and was able to catch many frogs, a snake, and the chipmunk that raided our food tent! (That is what he is holding in his hand in the pictures above!) Brianne and Mom didn't want to be outdone and they battled some skunks (yes, two!) that also had invaded our food tent. (We have very good food on these trips and the critters seem to know it!) Like I said the food was fabulous! Mom and Dad did dutch oven mutton and barbecue chicken. Aunt Christy had us making our own ice cream, and for her breakfast she made bird's nests (bread with egg in the middle and cheese on top)which my kids thought was great! Brad and Jo did Bulgogi a tasty Korean dish and Troy and I did our usual make your own omelet in a bag which is always a yummy favorite. We did finally break camp on Friday and made our way down to Tropic where it was sooo HOT, at least compared to Pine Lake. We love spending time in Tropic also and spent a couple of days there until we decided reluctantly to head back home. Thanks Mom and Dad and everyone for a fabulous trip!


Jody said...

What a great family you have. Nice to see you both. I hope you are doing well. Dawn it won't take you long to get the hang of it.

Lisa said...

Now I want to go to Pine Lake! Where is it, keep in mind I'm not from around these parts, the only places i know are SLC, Provo, and Park City! I would like to know WHAT they were shooting?? Their brothers? Cousins? Chipmunks?

Joanne said...

Hey Dawn, I am so glad you have a blog now! Camping at Pine lake is a fun tradition, and I am glad we all get together to do it.